RHS miniature garden entry
Last year, during half term week, we went on a class trip to RHS Wisley. There's a beautiful picture in last year's blog of the children in the Glass House. One of the children particularly was taken by the miniature gardens which schools had submitted on the theme of the Famous Five and asked if we could submit an entry this year.
The interest was still there, so we have been working drip by drip, seed by seed, then torrent by torrent on our entry for this year's theme of 'Wildlife in the Garden' . The children have been stitching butterflies, making bees out of stones, crafting ladybugs out of almond shells, creating frogs out of clay and birds out of papermache - for our Habitat Holiday Park.
We shared our learning with the nursery children next door, giving them a sneak preview and explaining why we have included all the elements we have, to encourage wildlife into our garden.