A Stitch in Time
Our Tuesday story is The Year of the Book. The protagonist is defining perseverance in her essay on the making of a drawstring bag.
This inspired one of the children to want to do some sewing. To support learning something new, we alighted on the creation of a soft toy to practise making a pattern and learning to backstitch to create a seam. This had the knock on effect of several other children choosing a subject, learning how to sketch it, making a pattern from the sketch (the know how for sketching the chameleon and aardvaak came from WikiHow) and turning this into a finished piece of work from their design.
Heidi, one of our 3 volunteers, had helped our youngest child with some of the more fiddly parts of his work and he wanted to take this photo of the completed chameleon for her to see, as she wasn't able to be with us this week.